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As our work drew attention and parents saw the progress in children, the village authorities and parents requested us to formally run a primary school. This presented a wonderful opportunity to establish a model learning center, a center that could at once be the focal point of creative learning and be the source of ripples of change across the region. Hence, Educere Learning Center was started to address the learning needs of the children in the village and in the region. The Learning Center started formally in February 2022 and 25 children from the village were enrolled, with Orenda Initiatives providing teachers and resources. However, the children are formally enrolled in the existing Government Primary school in the village.

Orenda Initiatives is evolving and fine tuning its program and model in the Center for the academic year 2022, targeting particularly the early childhood education (Nursery to Grade 4). The plan is to prepare and create learning materials and resources, teacher training modules, and refine the teaching methodology over the year. The idea is to make the Center a model learning school for the region in the long run.

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